Long & Short Of It

Tasting Freedom

The last ten words of the USA national anthem are “the land of the free and home of the brave”. Individual and collective bravery or lack thereof have consumed social media since this pandemic took hold.

This post topic is freedom, in particular individual freedom. To varying degrees constraints on freedom are now loosening in the USA. [note: Bye-bye-mask freedom will be decided by landlords and lessees for the foreseeable future; a topic for another day]. Arguments, valid ones, can be made on both sides whether pandemic-period freedoms have been dialed back too little, too much, or just right. Water under the bridge. Relevant now...renewed freedoms are, with scant few outliers in the general public, tasting great these past few days. Some freedom begets further hunger for more freedom. The horse is out of the barn. The train has left the station. The ship has sailed. Choose your saying.

With shots rapidly going into American arms the freedom train is a bullet train. My best advice, even among those I know and respect that wish the train would stop or slow down, is to get used to the bullet train. Freedom begets freedom.